Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Evening Grosbeak

 I got up earlier than usual this morning. about 6:00.  That's way early in my book. But the cat was hungry and demanded attention right now.  Next time I'm getting a dog.  

But as the cat was horking down his breakfast I made a round of our bird feeders.  I was so happy I did. I'm glad that I was awake. Only sorta. 

We had a large flock of Evening Grosbeaks.  I counted 20, but they were moving in the trees and flying, so I'm sure there were more than that.  

Here is an example of my awesome camera and sweet photo skills. 

Here, they are hanging out on my homemade platform feeder.  
It's a dip try, with drilled holes to let the water drain. Unless it rains a lot, a lot. Then I have to go dump it. 

I was feeling bad that the seeds were almost gone. So when they flew to the other side of the house, I filled it back up with seeds and nuts. I'm not sure they've found it again yet. 

I only saw a few males, with the large majority of them being females.

I kept trying to coax him closer, but he wouldn't.  

In case you wanted a better picture, I googled some for you. They're kinda a freaky looking bird. That eyebrow is really wigging me out.  

By the way, this is a new bird for us, yay!

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