Thursday, April 29, 2010

Teals and Finches

This morning started out eventful, when Jake looked out to the bird feeders and spotted a pair of Black Rosy Finches. We watched them for several minutes before we had to leave. Undoubtedly, that is what they were! Very neat little birds! The books say we have them year round.

When we got to Jackson, I dropped Jake off and headed for the Yellowstone/Grand Teton Park Visitior Center on the north end of town. I almost always see ducks there. Today I saw three pair of Cinnamon Teals. For the most part, they were getting along. The males were dancing.

Today is off to a great start! We'll see what else the day brings!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mountain Bluebird

We are always excited to see these blue guys. We've had quite the wind today, so seeing them was a big surprise! I counted three males. I didn't see any females, but I'm sure there was one or two hanging around somewhere. They were also joined by four more Lesser Goldfinches, also pretty cool. Unfortunately, we don't have our bluebird feeders out yet, so they didn't stay. I hope they hang around!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Northern Flicker

This morning while I was in Jackson, I was treated to a pair of these guys, Northern Flickers. I must admit that when I first saw them, I got excited at the prospect of a new woodpecker. I don't think I had ever had such a good view of them! I watched them for several minutes in the top of a tree. They were soon joined by a Starling, and they all chatted for a few minutes before the Flickers flew off.

I also saw a Black-Capped Chickadee a few minutes ago. We were told they don't have them here. Well, there ya go!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Morning!

This morning we woke up to dozens of birds in our trees and our back porch. Sorry about the flat tire, apparently its not spring yet. The birds didn't seem to mind the eight inches of snow we got yesterday.

We had three pairs of Cassin's Finches, I counted eight Pine Siskins, and at least a dozen Dark-Eyed Juncos. Jake also mentioned when he opened the curtains this morning there were several of the Juncos sleeping around the porch! What you can't see is the Gray Partridges hiding in the background.

We haven't been able to find our drill to put up our bird feeders. They don't seem to mind. Oh yeah, this is the last time I will mention that we don't have a really good camera, so the image is Googled, unless I specifically say otherwise. So here is the Gray Partridge!

We've been seeing him quite frequently in the mornings since we moved here, almost three months ago. I'm excited to see the young partridges running around in a few months!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lesser Goldfinch

Our newest addition to our Wyoming list:

We saw an immature pair of Lesser Goldfinches in our Quakies. They both had sunflower seeds and the male partook in the thistle seed. Every little birdie gets us so excited!

Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch

I caught this little guy eating out of our bird feeders this morning. I watched him for several minutes. He ate mostly sunflower seeds, but also sampled the thistle seed. When the Cassin's Finches showed up, he quickly left. After they had been gone a while, he came back. Perhaps he was watching from the neighbor's trees? I took a few pictures of him, but they turned out fairly dark. So here is a Googled picture. The map in our book said they winter here in Wyoming. I hope he sticks around long enough for Jake to see him!

I think he's pretty cool.

We Love Birds!

I thought I would start by telling everyone why we love birds. But as I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a specific reason. When I was in college, I took many ecology and biology classes. One of them required us to bird watch. Then I was in an Ornithology class where we learned pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about birds. Jake and I were dating at this time, so when I went bird watching often to fulfill assignments, he went with me. And I guess it just stuck and we've been doing it ever since! We used to make it birding almost every weekend. But as time has gone on, and life has gotten busier, we don't go as often. Most of the birds we see are as we go about our days. We hope that you enjoy the birds we see!

New Blog

I've decided to start a new blog updated with birds as we see them. I realize that people who read our other blog, probably don't care in the same way as we do. So I hope that you will come back and share in our excitement of the birds we see!