Friday, June 24, 2011


 Summer has finally come to Wyoming!

We're trying to get out as much as possible and enjoy it while it's here. We headed out again tonight. We drove around Palisades Reservoir. We've seen lots of pelicans, but tonight was the ultimate jackpot if that's what you were looking for.

Taken with our camera.
Taken with Jake's iPhone

These were just the left views that would turn out well, because it was getting dark. But they were this thick for all 180 degrees. I find that to be awesome!

Happy Summer Birdwatching!

Too many window hits!

 In an effort to keep the birds from hitting our windows, I decided to paint them.  The other things didn't seem to be working.  

So here's the front window. I'm waiting for Jake to decide which bird he wants to paint on the big branch.  I had originally just done it black, but you couldn't see it from outside.  So far, so good!

Here's the back window from the outside.  

And from the inside. I had put  a lot more contrast in the white, but it didn't show up like I wanted. Oh well. You can see it great from the outside, so hopefully it helps!

On a seperate note, here's the sunset last night. It's so pretty here!

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Pass Along

Check out this funny picture involving a Chickadee and a Crane Statue. 
Awesome, no?

From one of my favorite bird blogs. Check it out!