Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cooper's Hawk

First, let me apologize for the images being rotated, Photoshop was being finicky and uncooperative.

We were sitting at the dinner table this evening when this young Coopers Hawk flew in. He landed on out old picnic table just off the back deck. We watched him for a second before we grabbed the camera.

He initially landed on the table looking towards the house. Transferring from both legs to one leg.

He saw something in the grass, and we thought he would jump down to get whatever it was.

He watched it for a few minutes, then hopped down.

He hung around for quite a while before flying next door. The rest of the little birdies in the neighborhood were very alarmed and concerned about this guy.

We thought he was sweet though!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Green-tailed Towhee

It has been a nice quiet summer with not a lot of bird action around the house. Tonight I glanced out the back window and saw a large finchish looking bird. After looking closer, I saw that it wasn't a finch at all, but a Towhee.

A Green-tailed Towhee! This is another new bird for us here in Wyoming.

His red cap was very distinctive, and his white chin was very lovely. It was a getting dark with the onset of a storm, so it was hard to see his green tail.

Wyoming has been wonderful for us!
Without going out too far, we have seen ten new lifers and many that we have gotten reacquainted with!